Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Christmas in July: Last day!

Christmas in July is at an end today. I hope you enjoyed what I had to share with you this year. I wish it could have been more. I promise to make it up to you during this coming holiday season. Thank you to those who took the time to stop by and comment. It means a lot. =O)

I didn't get a chance to work on the page for Christmas in Rituals and Tradition Sunday, but I'll try to have it ready for Rudolph Day next month.

I wanted to thank Raquel for the gorgeous Christmas in July card I received yesterday. Just lovely! Thank you! I hope everyone has received mine.

And until we meet again, here's a favorite musical scene from one of my favorite Christmas movies, White Christmas. Enjoy!

Always in spirit....


  1. OMG.... I"m so going to watch this today.

  2. Thank you for posting during CIJ! I love CIJ and your blog was great to follow.

  3. Hi, Michelle!
    I was just thinking that I need to lift my spirits, especially today, because of stuff going on right now....and what better place to lift them than your GORGEOUS, happy, inspirational Christmas blog? I see you've made some changes, too. Nice!
    Anyway, I just found out about this "Christmas In July" event! Well, I have to read the previous posts you did for this event. I should really come by more often!
    Hope you and your family are all doing fine, and that the issues you've been struggling with are either resolved, or on their way to being so.
    Merry Christmas in August!! : )


Your comments are welcome and appreciated. Blessed Be.