Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sharing the Joy: Weekend Crafting


This is such a great craft! Stylish and economical.  Found on favecrafts.

Tissue paper: white, red, green (or other colors of your choice)
STYROFOAM Brand Foam: Balls, 3", 5" (or size of your choice)
Gold markers, medium and narrow tip
Wooden skewer, chopsticks, or other pointed tool
Paintbrush brush with wide, firm bristles
Thick, white craft glue

Insert skewer, chopstick or other pointed tool into ball to use as a handle.

Tear tissue paper into small rectangles (do not cut).

Using paintbrush, spread glue on portion of ball. Place torn tissue squares on glue; cover with more glue. Continue, overlapping edges of tissue, until entire ball is covered. Let dry.

Remove chopstick. Following instructions in Step 3, cover hole with tissue paper.

Using gold markers, draw simple, repetitive designs on ball. Models shown include swirls, stars and dots.

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