Sunday, July 24, 2011

Christmas in July: Weekend Crafting (late edition)

Sorry for the late edition of this week's weekend crafting.  I've had a busy weekend of school supply shopping and getting ready for my read-a-thon this week at The True Book Addict.

This project is from the book, Country Living Merry and Bright: 301 Festive Ideas for Celebrating Christmas.

Rag Ball Ornaments


  • styrofoam balls (all one size or in a variety of sizes)
  • pins (straight pins with the colored balls on ends)
  • fabric strips of any kind (use regular fabric patterns or Christmas fabric)
  • felt shapes (cut them yourself or purchase from a fabric shop)
  • ribbon or trim for hanging them on tree
sorry for the poor quality--had to
take it with my cell phone

To make:

Stick a pin through a strip of fabric at a starting point on a styrofoam ball.  Continue wrapping the ball with fabric strips, using pins to hold them in place, until the ball is completely covered.  You can adhere the fabric randomly or arrange it in a more orderly design.  To embellish the balls with felt shapes, string a pin with a bead, then push the pin through the felt into the ball.  Attach a loop of ribbon or trim to the top of the ball with a pin.

Idea:  Leave the ribbon loop off and display the balls in a decorative bowl.

Another project from I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas by Anna Getty.  Not sure what purpose they could be used for, but they certainly look great displayed in a decorative bowl!

Decorated Matchboxes

  • Assorted matchboxes (use ones you have collected through the years or purchase sustainably made ones)
  • Nontoxic glue
  • Scraps of wrapping paper or tissue paper
  • Sequins, bits of ribbon, tiny seashells, or other found items
To make:

Place a bit of glue on one side of the matchbox and decorate with paper, sequins, ribbons, or other items.  Be careful not to let the glue drip onto the edges of the box where you strike the matches (this will not matter if the boxes contain no matches).  Let dry completely.

Merry and Bright is published by Hearst Books--New York/London
I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas is published by Chronicle Books--San Francisco


Your comments are welcome and appreciated. Blessed Be.