Tuesday, July 5, 2011


This item was originally posted at The True Book Addict on 12/2/2009.

Favorite Fictional Character is a weekly feature created by Ryan at Wordsmithonia.

One of my favorite books of all time is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.  And every year during the holiday season one of the first movies I watch is the 1994 version of Little Women starring Winona Ryder, Susan Sarandon, Claire Danes, Trini Alvarado, Kirsten Dunst, Samantha Mathis, Eric Stoltz, Gabriel Byrne, and Christian Bale (sigh!).  Yes, I have already watched it this year...just the other night, in fact!

My most favorite character from the book and the movie is Jo March.  When I was a girl, Jo was inspiring to me.  Her love for the written word and her devotion to writing was partly responsible for sparking the same in me.  And I loved her fierce independence and individuality...in that time period, Jo was almost a feminist.  She threw convention out the window and marched to her own drummer.  But she was very devoted to her family and her sisters meant the world to her...especially dear, sweet Beth.  Watching Jo lose Beth is one of the most heartbreaking moments in cinematic (and literary) history.  Every time I watch or read this part, I am reduced to tears...every time!

Jo, and the story of Little Women, show us that family is the most important thing on this earth.  But also the importance of being an individual and following your dreams.  And the March family know the true meaning of Christmas...the spirit of love and giving.  If you haven't read the book or seen the movie, you should do so immediately! It's a great story any time, but especially at Christmas.

Always in spirit.....


  1. One of these days I will reread this book and see if I like it better the next time.

  2. I always related well to Jo. I have a younger sister who is allot like Amy (minus the guy snatching of course).


Your comments are welcome and appreciated. Blessed Be.