Yuletide Cheer
A poem by Isha ArrowHawk
The chill breath of winter touches us,
As blankets of snow cover the ground.
With the glow of moonlight upon them,
It's like diamond sparkles all around.
Inside the room is cozy and warm,
The scent of evergreen wafts from the fire.
Surrounded with love and family,
I've got all that I could desire.
Sleigh bells jingle from the front porch,
As my coveners decorate outside.
They've no need of blankets,
They have the warmth of love inside.
In my home we all gather round,
And with Pagan carols our voices ring.
Then we settle down to enjoy the tale,
Of the Oaken Lord and the Holly King.
For our holiday is quite different,
Than the cowan Christmas night.
We cast our Circle, join together,
And welcome the return of Light.
Then we sit and share the feast,
As we pass bread and wine around.
As blessings from mingled voices...
"Never hunger," "Never thirst" abound.
All too soon the rite is ended,
And we greet the newborn day.
As we clasp hands together,
This wish we send your way....
It's no matter your tradition,
Be you family, friend, or guest.
We wish you joy and peace,
And may your Yule be Blessed!!
Aspects of Yule
A poem by Zephyr Lioness
Time of deepest darkness
The God is born anew
Seedling in the frozen earth
Awaiting springtime dew.
The ground, an icy wasteland,
Though neighbors hearts are warm
We share our goods with everyone
So no one comes to harm.
Snow lies on her shoulders
Frosted mantle for her hair
Winter's Queen is giving birth
The Goddess, always there
The sun is growing brighter.
It happens every year
Promising return of light
For sod and oak and deer
Stag King, his mighty antlers
Rising from a drift
Leaps for the hunter's arrow
Just as strong and swift
He knows his time has ended
He is heading to the plain
Where joy caresses memory
Like softly summer rain
New fawn takes his first step,
The buck he will become.
After the time of knowing
A new year has begun.
Read more Winter Solstice poems at http://www.angelfire.com/moon/yule/
Always in spirit...

Read more Winter Solstice poems at http://www.angelfire.com/moon/yule/
Always in spirit...
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